Tuesday 18 October 2011


Because I want to re-live the book before movie premiere(and because I want to recruit more people into 'The Fandom'), I will be re-reading part 1 of Breaking Dawn and posting whatever quotes tickle my fancy.  Look for a new quote 3 times a day - and hopefully, if I time things correctly,  we will all be refreshed and ready to go for the big day On November 18th ( who am I kidding - I've been ready for it since day 1!)  So, without further ado..... let's get this rolling, shall we? ;)  Let's start with the very first line of the preface....

"I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something you ever really got used to." ~ Bella, preface

"No one is staring at you, I promised myself. No one is staring at you. No one is staring at you.
 But, because I couldn't lie convincingly even to myself, I had to check." ~ Bella chpt 1

"I briefly contemplated my issues with words like fiance, wedding, husband, etc."  ...-... "I just couldn't reconcile a staid, respectable, dull concept like husband with my concept of Edward. It was like casting an archangel as an accountant" ~ Bella, chpt 1

Look for second quote of the day in 6 hours( give or take.....)  I look forward to sharing my obsession, errrrr - JOURNEY with all of you!!!

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